Email Validation and Verification API#



Validate and verify email address

Input Params#

Parameter Type Requirement Explanation
email string required Any string need to validate or verify

Response Params#

Parameter Type Explanation
email string Contains the exact email address requested
did_you_mean string Contains a did-you-mean suggestion in case a potential typo has been detected.
format_valid boolean Returns true or false depending on whether or not the general syntax of the requested email address is valid.
mx_found boolean Returns true or false depending on whether or not MX-Records for the requested domain could be found.
smtp_check boolean Returns true or false depending on whether or not the SMTP check of the requested email address succeeded.
catch_all boolean Returns true or false depending on whether or not the requested email address is found to be part of a catch-all mailbox.
role boolean Returns true or false depending on whether or not the requested email address is a role email address. (e.g. '', '')
disposable boolean Returns true or false depending on whether or not the requested email address is a disposable email address. (e.g. '')
free boolean Returns true or false depending on whether or not the requested email address is a free email address. (e.g. "", "")
score double Returns a numeric score between 0 and 1 reflecting the quality and deliverability of the requested email address.

curl -H "Authorization: {api_key}" ""

Example Requests#

GET curl -H "Authorization: {api_key}" -L "{{url}}"

Example Response#


Error Handling#

HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

Code Status Explanation
200 OK Successful request.
400 Bad Request Invalid request, or invalid parameters .
403 Authentication Not authorized.
404 Not Found The resource requested was not found.
5xx Server Error A fatal error occurred while processing the request. Try again.

All errors will be JSON object with a String array of errors:

  "errors": ["Malformed request"]

Plans Description#

Plan API Calls Price
Basic 5000 $25/Month Get this
Starter 50000 $70/Month Get this
Professional 100000 $100/Month Get this
Professional Plus 250000 $200/Month Get this

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Input Params


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